The activity rank of a user/account indicates how active a user/account is compared to all active users/accounts. In other words, it tells where this user or account is at regarding its product usage time (calculated in Freshsuccess as event session time) against all active users/accounts.

Activity rank is a daily metric calculated and updated each day based on a user/account's total session time over the last 30 days. 

The curve in the below example shows the frequency distribution of activity of all users/accounts. An activity rank of 70% means this user/account is within the top 30% of active users/accounts.

Below explains how activity and activity rank is defined in FDCS:

The activity rank of a user is calculated as the percentile rank of the user's 30-day session time across all your active users in the Freshsuccess instance.

The activity rank of an account is calculated as the percentile rank of its 30-day session time across all your active accounts in the Freshsuccess instance.