Freshsuccess Alerts function as an early warning system that uses your data to proactively notify CSMs about customers who need engagement and provide them with a playbook they can follow given the specific scenario (e.g., a customer who is in trouble or is exhibiting potential for expansion).

Users with role permission to "configure product settings" can create and modify alert rules under Settings > Management Center > Alert Automation page.

To create a new alert rule, click "New alert rule" on the top right. 

On the alert configuration page:

1. Enter a name for the alert.

2. Add a description of this alert rule.

The description entered here will be shown as alert reasons once the alert triggers It is recommended you provide as much detail about this alert as possible here.

3. Specify the alert category.

Alerts utilize the same set of Engagement Category values as other work items in the system.  You can modify the set of categories by navigating to Settings > Management Center > Manage Fields > System > Engagement Category.

4. Configure trigger preferences

Retrigger delay tells Freshsuccess how frequently it should trigger the same alert for the same account following the previous alert being triggered if that account still matches the condition defined in the alert rule and the previous alert is closed. For example, if an alert triggered for an account on March 1st and closed on March 3rd and that account still matches the condition defined in the same alert rule, with a retrigger delay set to 7 days, Freshsuccess will trigger the next alert for this account on March 8th.

5. Alert notifications

Specify who should be notified. By default, all account owners will receive notifications.

6. Define alert task deployment -  Choose whether to automatically deploy alert tasks playbooks to CSMs or whether CSMs can manually deploy the tasks

7. Assign a playbook to this alert.

Playbooks are intended to be a simple checklist that the CSMs should follow when an alert is triggered. Also, define the target completion period (days) and the task group to whom this should be assigned.

8. Construct alert rule conditions. 

a). Filter accounts based on dimensions

The "Attributes" section is where you filter a specific segment of your accounts for whom the alerts will be triggered. For example, you can specify the alerts to trigger only for accounts in a certain country, industry, tier or stage. You'll also be able to filter the accounts by the custom dimensions you send to Freshsuccess

b). Specify behavior and timeframe using metrics and dates 

The "Metrics over time and event occurrences" section is where you specify the behavior, changes in behavior, or a specific account date you'd like to track for your accounts. There are four ways to do so:

1). Compare a metric to a value

e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" is less than 5 mins a day.

2). Compare a metric to another metric

e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" is at least 30% less than the usage of module "Reporting".

3). Compare a metric to itself over time

e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" over the last week is at least 10 mins more than the usage of the same module over the week before.

4). Check for an event

     e.g. Account next renewal is within the next 45 days.

You'll then select both the start date and the end date of the period over which the metric will be aggregated. 

1). Begins after an event or day

e.g., 7 days after the "Account join date" or 3 days after the "Account last seen" date

2). Begins before an event or day

e.g. 7 days before "Current day" or 30 days before the "Account renewal date"

3). Begins on an event or day

e.g. "Current week", "Account join date"

4). Begins on specific date

 e.g. Dec. 1. 2015

c). Preview the accounts currently matching this alert rule.

This feature allows you to preview a list of accounts currently matching the defined rule conditions so that you can quickly verify the results and understand the scale of impact. 

Click "Preview" and the accounts that are currently (at the time of the button click) matching the rule conditions will be displayed.

9. Save the alert rule.

If everything looks fine, click "Save". If there are more than 10 matching accounts to this rule at the time of the "Save" button click, a warning window will pop up asking if you'd like to proceed with the action.

You'd like to refine the conditions of this rule to limit the number of alerts generated all at once. This helps CSMs focus on the accounts that need their attention and prevent scenarios where a bad rule is created that will trigger alerts to unrelated accounts. 

Otherwise, you can ignore the warning and save the alert rule anyway.

Note that Freshsuccess automatically runs an alert rule for each account every 3 hours based on the latest data collected. You can manually run an alert rule by clicking “Run” in an alert rule’s action drop-down.

Commonly Configured Alerts

  1. An account did not use the product for more than a week

  2. The account's usage of a key feature has declined

  3. The account's health has dropped from green to red

  4. The account has not paid their bill for more than 90 days

  5. The account has no interaction with the CS team for more than 30 days

  6. The account has submitted more than 4 tickets in a week 

  7. The account has submitted a detractor NPS response

  8. The account's renewal is coming up in 60 days