The Freshsuccess API Upload feature enables the uploading of CSV files to the Freshsuccess API. You can bulk insert accounts/users or update account/user attributes using the feature.

Users with a role with the "Configure data connector" permission can access this feature on the IT Administration page under Settings. 

A CSV file can be uploaded for each API described by the API documentation. Before uploading a CSV file to the API, a CSV file template should be downloaded. 

Note that please refer to the relevant section in the API documentation prior to using a certain template. 

Please follow the steps described on the page:

  1. Select the relevant API for upload from the drop-down, you can optionally download the CSV template or preview the fields available in that API.

  2. Populate the fields you'd like to update in the CSV template, note that all mandatory fields are required to be filled out. 

  3. Save the CSV file and click "Upload CSV file" on the page.

  4. Select the file (make sure you select the right file and the file is not empty). The file must contain the column headings and be comma-separated.

  5. Once selected from the file browser you should see a preview of the data.

When an update occurs, all updates are visible immediately. You'll be able to view success and error (together with error details) messages printed on the same page after the upload is complete. The same information will be recorded on the API status page as well.