You can automatically log/sync all email communications with customers using the Email Sync feature on Freshsuccess.
Having all customer interactions over email mapped in a chronological sequence on Freshsuccess is important. This enables customer success managers (CSMs), account managers, and relevant stakeholders within your company to get complete context from the conversations.
With Email Sync, CSMs can connect their inbox to Freshsuccess. Once enabled, emails you send through that inbox — including emails that you send out of Freshsuccess will be recorded under the Timeline tab of that Account360 page. This way, you can keep track of both — your emails and your team’s emails with your accounts. This article will provide details and information on how to sync your mailbox with Gmail, Outlook, and custom mailbox (IMAP).
Email Sync is a nifty feature that obviates the need for Freshsuccess users to blind carbon copy (Bcc) the Freshsuccess inbox address for every email interaction with the customer or having to copy and paste customer emails from their inbox to the Email tab’s timeline view as Notes.
How Email Sync works
With Email Sync (once enabled and configured), all email interactions between the CSM and the portfolio of accounts managed by that CSM are automatically recorded and synced under the Timeline tab. It can be used with Outlook 365, Gmail, and custom email servers (IMAP only).
Once an inbox is integrated, as CSMs exchange emails with their customers, Email Sync will automatically build the timelines for each of their accounts in their portfolio from the customer conversations. It will run through the integrated inbox and pull in all relevant conversations (from CRM contacts and product users) currently in Freshsuccess.
Common Examples
Account: ACME
Bob ([email protected])
Kate ([email protected])
Example 1: Message to Customer Contact
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will be associated with ACME account.
Example 2: Message with CC to Customer Contact
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will be associated with ACME account.
Example 3: Forwarded Message
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will NOT be associated with any account.
Unfiltered Freshsuccess User
Account: ACME
Bob ([email protected])
Kate ([email protected])
Account: BOARDLY
Freshsuccess User ([email protected])
John ([email protected])
Example 4: Message to Customer Contact
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will be associated with ACME account and BOARDLY account.
Example 5: Message to Other Contact
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will be associated with BOARDLY account.
Filtered Freshsuccess User
Account: ACME
Bob ([email protected])
Kate ([email protected])
Account: BOARDLY
Freshsuccess User ([email protected])
John ([email protected])
Example 6: Message to Customer Contact
FROM: [email protected]
Result → Message will be associated with ACME account.
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