The Financial Dashboard provides a central location for managing and monitoring critical SaaS financial metrics, including churn rates, new accounts, up-sell trends, and much more.

You can use the Account Lists dropdown to filter this dashboard by All Accounts or My Accounts. You can further filter using the Filter button on the top-right corner.

It contains the following charts:

Total Revenue by Month (in MRR)

Shows the monthly total MRR breakdown for all the accounts over the last year (on a per-account basis). The calculation is based on MRR at the start and end of the month. MRR breakdown includes:

  • Existing MRR: MRR at the start of the month

  • New MRR: end > start, start = 0

  • Expansion MRR: end > start, start > 0

Net change in Revenue by Month (in MRR)

Shows the monthly MRR change breakdown for all the accounts over the last year (on a per-account basis). The calculation is based on MRR at the start and end of the month. MRR change breakdown includes:

  • New MRR: end > start, start = 0

    Note that New MRR can come from new accounts that were activated in that month as well as existing accounts that were activated before that month.

  • Expansion MRR: end > start, start > 0

  • Contraction MRR: end < start, start > 0

  • Lost MRR: end = 0, start > 0

Note that Lost MRR can come from accounts that churned in that month as well as active accounts that have not churned, e.g., accounts whose subscription expired in that month but have not yet renewed.

  • Net Change in MRR: Calculated as the sum of the previous four items.

Total Accounts by month

Shows the monthly total accounts breakdown over the last year. Accounts breakdown includes:

  • New accounts

  • Churned accounts

  • Existing accounts: Total accounts from the start of the month - Churned accounts.

Accounts with change in MRR

Shows the monthly number of accounts that had a net increase (expansion) or decrease (contraction) in MRR (calculated as end of month MRR - start of month MRR), New accounts, and Lost/churned account on a monthly basis over the last year.

Account and Subscription Renewal Rates

Shows the monthly renewal rate over the last year including:

  • % of accounts renewed: Calculated as the number of accounts renewed divided by the number of accounts up for renewal in each month.

  • % of subscriptions renewed: Calculated as the number of subscriptions renewed divided by the number of subscriptions up for renewal in each month.

Account MRR Renewal Rate

Shows the monthly renewal MRR over the last year, including:

  • Absolute MRR that was renewed

  • Upcoming renewal MRR in the next 6 months

Churn Rate

  • Monthly account churn rate: Calculated as the number of accounts churned during the month divided by the number of total accounts at the start of the month.

  • Monthly revenue churn rate: Calculated as the ratio of Lost MRR plus Contraction MRR during the month (from start to end) divided by total MRR at the start of month.

ARPA (Avg. Revenue Per Account ) and CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)

  • Monthly ARPA: Calculated as total MRR divided by total accounts at the end of the month.

  • Monthly CLV: Calculated as ARPA divided by account churn rate of the month.